Treasure Hunter Event Rewards

Current Mole Miner ( Treasure Hunter ) events:
Thu, 7th Nov 2024 (12:00 EST) - Mon, 11th Nov 2024 (12:00 EST)
You can get the new rewards in any old tubs you still have or can craft, as well as any new tubs you can collect.
Tip: If you want to buy the empty buckets at the train stations , buy the middle ones , not the decorated ones. The drop chances aren't much worse, but the price is significantly lower.
Update on Scrip from Pails
Basically there is a chance to get 50, 25, 10 or 5 scrip when opening the pails. However, since the Atlantic City update on December 5th, 2023, this chance for the crafted buckets is 0, as well as for the dusty (looted) buckets. Only the buckets (medium and ornate buckets) that you have looted from treasure hunters still have a 9-28.35% chance of getting 50, 25, 10 or 5 scrip. So only “Mole Miner Pail” and “Ornate Pail” still have a chance of getting scrip.
- (From 5th Dec 2023) Plan: Golf Carts
- Plan: Circus Cage Trailer
- Plan: Insurgent Hat
- Plan: Insurgent Outfit
- Plan: Marine Armor Helmet
- Plan: Radstag Hunting Knife
- Plan: Safari Crocolossus Backpack
- Plan: Treasure Hunter Outfit
- Plan: Treasure Hunter Outfit Hat
- Plan: Safari Gorilla Backpack
- Deathclaw Hunter Outfit
- Deathclaw Hunter Hat
- Plan: Grafton Monster Lamp
- Plan: Animatronic Clown
- Plan: Wanamingo Plushie
- Strongman Outfit
- Plan: Bed of Nails
- Grafton Monster Mask
- Plan: Strongman's Super Sledge Paint
- Plan: Bouquet of Star Balloons
- Plan: Scorched Tube
- Plan: Neon Light Diner Clock
- Plan: Balloon Arch
- Cursed Rolling Pin (Nocturnal/PA Attack/+Str)
- Plan: Vault 76 Rug
- Cursed Broadsider (Anti-Armor/+50% VATS Crits/25% less VATS cost)
- Plan: Scorchbeast Queen Plushie
- Plan: WV State Bird Rug
- Plan: Small Vault Girl Statue
- Plan: Yao Guai Tube
- Plan: Junkyard Fountain
- Garrahan Foreman Outfit
- Garrahan Foreman Helmet
- Plan: Camo Backpack
- Plan: Snallygaster Plushie
- Cursed Sickle (Vampire/Swing Speed/+Endurance)
- Plan: Small Supply Crate (Only if not earned in Nuclear Winter)
- Plan: Pink Sprinkles Power Armor Paints (Only if not earned in Nuclear Winter)
- Plan: Laser Gun Blue Camo Paint (Only if not earned in Nuclear Winter)
- Plan: Missile Launcher Atom Cats Paint (Only if not earned in Nuclear Winter)
- Plan: Cave Cricket Tube
- Plan: Fire Station Bell
- Plan: TV Aquarium
- Plan: Raw Cement Barricade
- Crafted Dusty Mole Miner Pail: 0.23%
- Crafted Mole Miner Pail: 0.93%
- Crafted Ornate Mole Miner Pail: 1.40%
- Dusty Mole Miner Pail: 0.12%
- Mole Miner Pail: 0.47%
- Ornate Mole Miner Pail: 0.93%
In addition, all but the dusty pails have a chance of getting bottle caps, contextual ammo (ammo for the weapon you have equipped) and up to 50 legendary scrip.
You can find it in this post: Treasure Hunter / High Priests (Mothman Equinox) Farming Locations Map
Source Datamining (Gilpo / Fallout 76 Datamining Discord): Spreadsheet
Old updates of the article:
[Update 07/27/2023] New event dates / English version
[Update 07/28/2022] New event dates.
[Update: 01/13/2022] Datamining spreadsheet has been updated. As said, no new rewards, but higher chances of Scrip.
[Update: 09/13/2021:] In patch 30 some rewards from the NW mode have been added to the pails.
[Update: 08/04/2021:] Since yesterday you can get the new rewards from newly crafted or found pails. List is updated.
[Update 07/19/2021:] These rewards are still valid for the current event 07/15/2021 - 07/19/2021.