Atomraketen Startcodes (Woche: 11.02.-18.02.2025 (01:00))
Alpha: 89571844
Bravo: 69022271
Charlie: 78351129
Atomraketen Startcodes
Woche: 11.02.-18.02.2025 (01:00)
Saison 19: "Wissenschaftliche Schmiede"   Noch 24/97 Tage

Datamining: PTS Saison 20 - Alle Belohnungen

Datamining: PTS Saison 20 - Alle Belohnungen

PTS Stand: 17.01.2025

Season 20 Fallout First Season Pass Glow of the Ghoul Poster 1
5% S.C.O.R.E. Boost Glow of the Ghoul Poster 2
10% S.C.O.R.E. Boost Glow of the Ghoul Poster 3
10% S.C.O.R.E. Boost Action Ghouls Photomode Frame
Glowing Ghoul Mask Toxic Embrace Photomode Frame
Merc Charmer Helmet Action Ghoul Boy Player Icon
Merc Charmer Helmet (Hooded) Action Ghoul Girl Player Icon
Nosey Glasses Battle Diet Player Icon
Merc Charmer Outfit Bomb Scientist Player Icon
Merc Charmer Blouse Outfit Breathe It In Player Icon
Yellow Vault-Tec Hazmat Suit Chem Diet Player Icon
Critter Cooker Fan The Hammer Player Icon
Toxic Gooler Cooler Trick Shot Player Icon
Goo-Tub Mad Scientist Player Icon
Nuclear Pyrotechnic Kit Armed Ghoul Boy Player Icon
Stacks of Chems Armed Ghoul Girl Player Icon
"Glow of the Ghoul" Movie Projector Science Monster Player Icon
Boneyard Planter Kit Whack-A-Rat Player Icon
Mr. Ghoulie Plushie "Abominable" Player Title Prefix
Posing Skeletons "Feral" Player Title Prefix
Petrified Corpse Target "Ghastly" Player Title Prefix
Skeleton Parts "Ghoulish" Player Title Prefix
Ghoul Vault Boy Statue "Irradiated" Player Title Prefix
Ghoul Vault Girl Stone Statue "Rotten" Player Title Prefix
Miniature Ghoul Vault Boy Statue "Sickly" Player Title Prefix
Miniature Ghoul Vault Girl Statue "Undead" Player Title Prefix
Mini Nuke Stein "Cannibal" Player Title Suffix
Unfortunate End "Zombie" Player Title Suffix
Ultracite Throne Radium Recon Armor Paint
Chemical Barrel Drums Radium Civil Engineer Armor Paint
Metal Barrel Drums Nuclear-Powered Jetpack
Ultracite Furniture Set Radium Armor Paint (Robot)
Radioac-table Radium Scout Armor Paint
Ultracite Wall Lights Radium Secret Service Armor Paint
Mini Cooling Tower Nuclear Waste Flair
Blue Nuka-Cola Vending Machine Mutated Guts Loot Bag
Nuke Generator Sharpshooter Power Armor Paint
Slime Cake Irradiated Paint (.50 Cal Machine Gun)
Bathroom Hook Irradiated Paint (Auto Axe)
Toilet Paper Holder Irradiated Paint (Fat Man)
Bathroom Urinal Irradiated Paint (Flamer)
Framed Glow of the Ghoul Wall Art Irradiated Paint (Gatling Gun)
Ghoul Signs Irradiated Paint (Railway Rifle)
Goo Splatter Irradiated Paint (V63 Laser Carbine)
  Irradiated Paint (Western Revolver)

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