Fallout 76 FAQ
Frequently asked questions
A scoreboard always lasts until the next content-update which is announced in the community calendars.
It will always end seemlessly with the maintenance of each update and the new scoreboard starts always after this update, right when the maintenance is finished and the servers are back online. No one knows how long a maintenance takes. The question is actually unnecessary. We had maintenances lasting 2 hours and we had those, lasting until the next day. Bethesda doesn't announce when it will be done, they just tell us after they finished.
Season 19 "The Scientific Forge" started on 3rd December 2024. The official end and start of Season 20 has not yet been confirmed. March 4th, 2025 or March 11th, 2025 are possible dates for the end of Season 19. However, since the Mutated Events Week is still running on March 4th, our estimate is March 11th, 2025.
Season 19 & 20 Articles:
YouTube Videos:
Basically every planned Maintenance on updates start on 10:00 am ET on the announced date. The exact dates are always listed in our Dates Calendar on the Startpage.
Nobody knows how long a maintenance takes. We had maintenances lasting 2 hours and we had those, lasting until the next day.
Bethesda has never announced an exact time, when the servers will be back online.
In most cases the servers are back online between 12:00 am ET and 3:00 pm ET.
For a more exact time always keep an eye on the official Twitter / Discord channels or check out our Discord or Facebook Group, where we always keep the status-updates up to date.
Legendary Mods are legendary effects that can be changed or mounted on weapons and armor since patch 54 on 3rd september 2024. Legendary Mods are tradeable and can also be learned as a plan.
See also:
Legendary Scrip are points that you get for trading in legendary weapons and armor that you don't need or want. For legendary scrip you can trade in new random legendary weapons or armor at the Rusty Pick or you can use trade them for legendary modules.
Examples: For a 3 weapon you receive 40 scrip. For a 3 power armor you get 45 scrip. Legendary modules cost 50 scrip each and you need 4 to roll a new legendary effect on a weapon (on the weapon workbench).
The legendary scrip can be traded at every train station or at the Rusty Pick (Ash Heap) for Weapons/Armor. There you will find scrip machines that takes your items.
Maximum for legendary scrip is 11000 per character.
How much legendary scrip your character currently owns can be viewed in the Pipboys first tab left in "collections".
Legendary Modules are components that you need to craft legendary weapons and armor. One legendary module costs 100 legendary scrip. The legendary modules are available at the Rusty Pick at the legendary Purveyor.
Also in Expeditions you get 1-2 legendary module, if you complete successful.
Since Patch 54 on 3rd September 2024 you receive legendary modules in public events.
More in this articles:
Legendary cores are a component you need to craft legendary weapons and armor. Basically you will get legendary cores on completing public events.
Legendary Cores were removed from the game in patch 54 on 3rd september 2024 and converted to scrip 1:1. Legendary Cores are no longer needed for legendary crafting.
Minerva is a traveling vendor who is around in Appalachia for some time now. She offers plans for Gold. Either those are plans from the Settlers, Raiders or Secret Service with a 25% discount, or plans that you can also get from completing a daily operation. She is standing either at Foundation, Crater, Fort Atlas or Whitespring.
When she is standing where and what she offers on that day is always listed in detail on our Minerva Page. There is also a search feature when you're looking for specific offers.
Gold is a currency in Fallout 76 for plans of the settlers, raiders and secret service. Also Minerva sells for Gold. Gold is available by trading treasury notes or as s reward from the scoreboard (Season).
Treasury Notes are credits that you trade in for Gold. You receive treasury notes be completing public and seasonal events. Every day you can trade in 40 treasury notes for Gold. You can do that on the Gold-Vending-Machines in Foundation and Crater.
The daily operations are short events that you can do every day (done best with a team). The daily operations are running in an instance that is only available for your team for this run. A team can be a private or a public team. Most players create a public "daily operations" team that gets the according bonus. You can only get the maximum rewards (Elder Rank) once per day and char, when you finish the operation under 8 minutes.
I you can't find a solution for a problem on our website or in the community (when it's something specific technical or a bug in the game), you can contact the Bethesda Support directly and open a ticket.
To open up a ticket, you can visit this Portal: Bethesda Support
For a better overview we recommend visiting the portal in a Desktop Browser and not on a smartphone. Here you choose "Fallout 76" and try to choose the best fitting further options to describe your problem. Best attach some screenshots or videos and describe exactly what its about to get the best help.
Its also good to have a Bethesda.net account, then you can always log in and check for ticket updates with your account. Alternatively you will also receive e-Mail notifications on replies.
PTS means: Public Test Server
The PTS is a Beta Version of Fallout 76 where new features and events can be tested. About 2-3 months before an update, new things are getting available on the PTS. You can report bugs and feedback about it in the official Betheda Discord. If you're lucky, Bethesda optimizes something and the bugs or optimizations make it to the live game.
Every PTS is only available for a limited time and each will be announced. You can find the announcement in our Discord in #pts or here on the website.
Plattform: only PC (Steam)
In the beginning of every PTS a copy of all PC player accounts will be copied to the PTS. You can download the current PTS beside the live game and use your normal account to log in. Everything you get or loose on the PTS does not affect your live account. You are playing just on a copy of your account that will be deleted when the PTS ends. You can't take anything from the PTS to the live game. The PTS is just made for testing and preview purposes.