Atomraketen Startcodes (Woche: 11.02.-18.02.2025 (01:00))
Alpha: 89571844
Bravo: 69022271
Charlie: 78351129
Atomraketen Startcodes
Woche: 11.02.-18.02.2025 (01:00)
Saison 19: "Wissenschaftliche Schmiede"   Noch 25/97 Tage

Atom Shop Update 02.05.2023

Wöchentliches Atomic Shop Update 02.05. - 09.05.2023


Tired of people raiding your CAMP? Give yourself a brake and grab this Gutted Car Gate, available for all Fallout 1st Members until June 6.

Snap timeless photos with the Rounded Squares Frame, now available in the shop until May 9.

Item Available Until
Gutted Car Gate (Fallout 1st) June 6
Rounded Squares Frame May 9

Visit the Atomic Shop on these days to claim a different reward, like consumables, in-game currencies, and more. Each of the items below is available until 12:00 p.m. ET the following day.

Item Available on
Scout's Banner May 2
Caps x250 May 3
Repair Kit May 4
Scout's Banner May 5
Legendary Scrip x50 May 6
Lunchbox May 7
Repair Kit May 8


Check out the daily deals this week in the Atomic Shop! Each of the items below is available until 12:00 p.m. ET the following day.

Item Atom Price Available From Available Until
Blood Eagle Super Sledge Paint (Fallout 1st) 500 250 (50% off!) May 2 May 9
Thanksgiving Kitchen Bundle (Fallout 1st) 2250 1688 (25% off!) May 2 May 9
Heart Pose 250 125 (50% off!) May 2 May 3
Hammock 300 150 (50% off!) May 3 May 4
Tropic Lightning Camo Skin (Handmade Rifle) 500 250 (50% off!) May 4 May 5
Floor Walker Backpack 500 250 (50% off!) May 5 May 6
Patterned Fringed Dress 900 450 (50% off!) May 6 May 7
Clean Water Purifier - Industrial 500 250 (50% off!) May 7 May 8
Blood Eagle Power Armor Model 1400 700 (50% off!) May 8 May 9


Alle Angebote findet ihr im vollständigen Artikel: Wöchentliches Atomic Shop Update 02.05. - 09.05.2023

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