Atomraketen Startcodes (Woche: 14.01.-21.01.2025 (01:00))
Alpha: 68562307
Bravo: 40602131
Charlie: 31631987
Atomraketen Startcodes
Woche: 14.01.-21.01.2025 (01:00)
Saison 19: "Wissenschaftliche Schmiede"   Noch 54/97 Tage

Fallout 76: Meilenstein Null (Milepost Zero) Hotfix Patchnotes 17.09.2024

Fallout 76: Meilenstein Null (Milepost Zero) Hotfix Patchnotes 17.09.2024
Today we deployed a hotfix on all platforms to activate Caravans!
The new quest “A Bump in the Road” will start your career as a caravan leader as you make your mark on Skyline Valley. Read more about the caravan feature in the Milepost Zero release notes below!
Today’s hotfix also provides some stability improvements and addresses some bugs that have appeared since Milepost Zero was released.
  • Various stability and performance improvements
  • Fixed an issue causing the Red and White Rose Bushes and Meat Locker to appear invisible when placed
  • Fixed an issue that caused downed enemies to despawn without leaving their loot piles
  • A prompt will now appear when attempting to scrap any item that has a skin, is a seasonal item, or is from the Atomic Shop


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