Nuke Codes (Week: 1st Sep -8th Sep 2024 (20:00))
Alpha: 34959739
Bravo: 33701503
Charlie: 98469385
Nuke Codes
Week: 1st Sep -8th Sep 2024 (20:00)
Season 18: "Milepost Zero: Country Roads"     Start: 3rd Sep 2024 10:00 Articles about the season

Skyline Valley Map with all Resources for your Camp

Skyline Valley Map with all Resources for your Camp

With the map expansion to Skyline Valley, there are now numerous new resources in the new area. Many players like to set up their camps at copper, aluminum, lead or iron veins in order to collect ores on the side. Extractors can be set up on deposits to make it easier for you to access the ores and to mine them.

Here you can find a map of all of Applachia including Skyline Valley with all available resources:

  • Aluminum
  • Black Titanium
  • Coal
  • Copper
  • Crystal
  • Ultracite
  • Gold
  • Iron
  • Lead
  • Silver
  • Junk

Click on the map to download it in full size. If you want to share the map, it is best to use the link to the article so that the map is not compressed so much when you send it that you can no longer see anything.


Appalachia Map incl Skyline Valley with all Resources
Appalachia Map incl Skyline Valley with all Resources

Map with Deposits only for your extractors

Appalachia Map incl Skyline Valley Deposits for Extractors
Appalachia Map incl Skyline Valley Deposits for Extractors

The Map was created with Mappalachia.

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