Nuke Codes (Week: 1st Sep -8th Sep 2024 (20:00))
Alpha: 34959739
Bravo: 33701503
Charlie: 98469385
Nuke Codes
Week: 1st Sep -8th Sep 2024 (20:00)
Season 18: "Milepost Zero: Country Roads"     Start: 3rd Sep 2024 10:00 Articles about the season

Best Mods for VATS on Rifles / Pistols

Here at Nuka Knights we regularly discuss the optimal mods for rifles and pistols. Now I would like to get to the point and summarize it.

Many rifles and pistols can be used with these mods for optimal AP consumption, i.e. maximum VATS usage time. If the same mods are not available, the same principle always applies:

Choose the mod that has best "hip-fire accuracy".

This works for example also with laser rifles. It's best to choose the mod with the description "hip-fire accuracy".

V.A.T.S. is not aiming in the true sense. The perk “+10% damage while aiming” does not apply to the VATS. VATS shoots from the hip.

It doesn't matter whether it's automatic or single shot for most mods, it depends on the weapon and your personal preferences. But automatic receiver itself does reduce the AP cost quite much.

Best Mods:

Barrel: Aligned Extended Barrel (5% AP cost reduction)

Stock / Grip: Aligned or forceful stock / grip (5% AP cost reduction)

Magazine:  Swift or Quick Magazine (5% AP cost reduction)

Sight: Reflex Sight (15% AP cost reduction)

By using this mods, you save 30% AP and can shoot 30% longer in VATS.

Receiver: Automatic Receiver (50% AP cost reduction)

On an automatic weapon with 25% less VATS AP cost, you will save about 83% AP.
.50 * 1.25 * 1.05 * 1.05 * 1.05 * 1.15 = 0.83204296875
(See fed76 Zerovats Link)

If you haven't unlocked these mods yet, get the plan for the weapon you want, craft it at the lowest level and scrap it to learn the mods.

Articles about AP costs:

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