Nuke Codes (Week: 28th Oct -4th Nov 2024 (20:00))
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Nuke Codes
Week: 28th Oct -4th Nov 2024 (20:00)
Season 18: "Milepost Zero: Country Roads"   Still 29/91 Days Left

Find Lesser Devil in Atlantic City

Find Lesser Devil in Atlantic City

Lesser Devil are new enemies in Atlantic City. There are currently hardly any opportunities to meet them, as only a few spawn in two places.

However, you need Lesser Devils for some daily/weekly challenges, and also for the new achievement “Rip and Tear”.

How to find two lesser devils in Atlantic City / Tax Invation / Casino Quarter:

  1. Open the map and select the “Tax Invasion” expedition. Or alternatively: fast travel to the casino quarter without an expedition.
  2. At the top of the overpass, run left through the entrance straight until a wing with a Nuka Cola motif leads to the casino roof
  3. Run over the wing onto the casino roof and to the right. There are 2 lesser devil waiting for you there.

How to find lesser devil in Atlantic City / The Human Condition / Flooded City Center:

  1. Open the map and select the “The Human Condition” expedition. Or alternatively: fast travel to the flooded city center without an expedition.
  2. Head straight in the directction you have spawned, get down in the water and run straight to the town hall.
  3. Pass the town hall and head right behind it. There you will find at least 2 lesser devil.

If you are now looking for 10 Lower Devils for your achievement, start a new “Tax Evasion” or "The Human Condition" expedition or just travel to the districts a few times.

Lesser Devil in Atlantic City
Lesser Devil in Atlantic City

Special Lesser Devil Perks:

  • Ignore target's armor
  • No crippling
  • Immune to radiation
  • In addition to melee combat skills, they can also throw projectiles

This means that you should expect some resistance if you are not a buffed melee character (as in the video above) trying to kill the lesser devils in melee combat for the challenge.


There are a few variants of the Lesser Devils in the game files. One of them is the “Jersey Devil”.

Jersey Devil
Jersey Devil

Another variation is linked to the quest "Sins of the Father" (Update Atlantic Update City Part 2 (Patch 49) / Maintenance) in the form of a corpse. In this quest you will also meet the true Jersey Devil in the end and defeat him in combat. I already played the quest on the PTS. If you are curious, check out this Youtube Video: New Main Quest "Sins of the Father" [Beware: Spoilers]

The new Main Quest will be released in the "Atlantic City - Americas Playground" Update on 26th March 2024.

Jersey Devil in Sins of the Father
Jersey Devil in Sins of the Father

There is also a template for daily operations. Maybe the lesser devils will become an opposing faction there in the future?


We are excited to see how the Lesser Devils will encounter us in the future. These few spawns are certainly just the beginning.

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