Nuke Codes (Week: 30th Jun -7th Jul 2024 (20:00))
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Nuke Codes
Week: 30th Jun -7th Jul 2024 (20:00)
Season 17: "Skyline Valley"   Still 77/97 Days Left

Fasnacht: Here is why afk is no problem in seasonal events

Fasnacht: Here is why afk is no problem in seasonal events

What is Afk?

First of all, let's explain what "afk" means. "Afk" means "Away from Keyboard", i.e. not present / inactive. In games like Fallout 76, players who are afk are normally kicked off the server after a few minutes. But there are e.g. the rubber band trick with which the game continues to receive input and the players stay on the server and e.g. can take part in events. This is how it is, for example possible to take part in hourly events at night while you sleep or at times when you are working.

Afk at Fasnacht

At the current Fasnacht event there are again divided opinions about AFK players. Therefore, I would like to briefly explain why many people do it and why it is not bad and even necessary for many.

Here are a few facts about it:

  • Event takes place once per hour
  • Period: 25th June 12 p.m. ET to 9th July 2024 12 p.m. ET
  • A total of 336 events
  • Drop chance of a specific rare mask: 0.238% per event
    (a total of 5% chance of receiving one of the rare masks)
  • Theoretically, for a certain rare mask you have to complete the event 420 times
  • See also: Fasnacht: All about the seasonal Event (New Masks 2024)

Based on this, you can now think about how often you have to do the event so that you get a rare mask or possibly all new ones and none of them twice. It may be that you take part in all events and receive no mask or only 1 mask. But no one can do that either. Nobody can be online 24 hours a day. That can't be the goal of a game either.

Of course, many people are employed and at work during the day, or are parents and don't want/can't play an event in Fallout 24 hours a day.

So what could increase the chances of getting the rare masks? Correct: Afk.

Most players actively play the event when they can, and if they want to increase their chances of getting a rare mask or 3* loot, they are AFK present.

Afk players do not interfere with the game or prevent you from getting a rare mask. If everyone simply plays the event actively if they can and is afk for some time, it won't bother anyone and there will be a balance.

Most players who are afk play both active events and inactive ones. This is how we help each other, for example: in different time zones. While some players take part in the event inactively and only play one instrument, others are actively involved and ensure the event is completed. At other times it is the other way around.

That's why nuking the event, for example, is absolutely pointless and destroys the event for everyone who wants to actively participate on the server for serveral hours.

Just because a few players run multiple consoles/PCs and actually want to enrich themselves with the masks and the loot, doesn't mean that all Afk players do it that way. Most people just want the rewards. For their own collection. Fallout 76 is a collectible game and a complete collection is a goal for many.

As long as Bethesda keeps the drop chances at such events so low and you don't get something rare with at least a 5+% chance, there will be a lot of AFK there.
And that's okay.

Your Feedback on Afk

What do you think? Do you also play afk, or is collecting the rare masks not that important to you?


Our first version of this post in 2021 (Facebook/German)

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