Nuke Codes (Week: 21st Jul -28th Jul 2024 (20:00))
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Nuke Codes
Week: 21st Jul -28th Jul 2024 (20:00)
Season 17: "Skyline Valley"   Still 52/97 Days Left

Fasnacht: All about the seasonal Event (New Masks 2024)

Fasnacht: All about the seasonal Event (New Masks 2024)

[Update 27th June 2024] Requirements for rare masks have been adjusted
[Update 23rd June 2024]
12 new Masks (6 rare), 6 new Plans
[Update 29th April 2024]
PTS: 12 new Masks (6 rare), 5 new Plans

Current date:

Fasnacht Event Process

The fasnacht event takes place once on the hour in Helvetia .

In Helvetia, the master of ceremonies is waiting for you on the bridge. To start the event, speak to him. As soon as the event starts, you have the task of helping the participants of the fasnacht parade with the preparations. The participants are different at each event and are spread across Helvetia. There are the following participants and tasks:

  • Cheerful candle maker
    Collect beeswax 
  • Happy Decorator
    Help him choose the right decorations in the barn
  • Happy baker collect
    Collect Toad eggs
  • Lively Musician
    Play music with the musician
  • Sociable Librarian
    Collect Fasnacht Beersteins
  • Exuberant Woodsman
    Collect 50 wood
  • Happy Butcher
    Collect squirrel intestines
  • Lively Beekeeper
    Defeat honey beasts

After the preparations have been completed, all robots or carnival participants gather at the church at the start of the parade.

As soon as everyone has arrived, we head towards the bridge. There comes the first attack from RAD toads . As soon as this attack has been repelled, go over the small bridge towards Honey House and past it into the meadow. There is a second attack from super mutants . Your job is to make sure that all robots reach the finish line. As soon as one of the robots is destroyed, there is no longer any chance of getting the rare masks. If the robots suffer greatly from the attacks, you can use the perk card "Friendly Fire" under charisma and a weapon with a flame mod, e.g. a flamer, a kebab knife or a Pryo crusader pistol, to heal the bots back to full health.

After the second attack has been overcome, we head back towards the church. There is a jeep there that can explode. You should destroy it before the robots run past it. On the road towards the church there is another attack, for example from wolves or stingers. This attack also spawns a Legendary Mega Sloth (PTS: or Ogua, Sheepsquatch, Behemoth, Blue Devil or Grafton Monster). 

At the end, the carnival fire is lit and the event is over. If all 5 bots survived, you might get a rare mask). In any case, you will receive a legendary 3* reward every time you complete the event.

[New] Donations Box

Beside the bonfire at the church you can now find a donation box. There you can leave unwanted fasnacht berets, sun masks and other things for other players.

Fasnacht Donations Box at the Bonfire
Fasnacht Donations Box at the Bonfire


Very interesting again is the  guaranteed 3* Mystery Pool reward  at the end of the fasnacht event, no matter how many bots are still alive! You know: Mystery Pool is the “secret selection” of the legendary dealer. So for each event completion you get a 3* item from the secret selection. This can include all available weapons, including  Crusader Pistols, Plasma Cutters, Hellfire Rocket Launchers, War Glaives, Fixers, Gauss Minigun, Secret Service Armor, Brotherhood Recon Armor,  etc. So it's worth it.

You will only receive the rare masks as a reward if all 5 robots are still alive.

In addition to the usual plans and masks, there are 21 rare masks :
These masks have a  drop chance of 0.238% (previously: 0.333%) per mask if all 5 bots survive. If fewer survive, the chance for these rare masks drops to 0.

Update 27th June 2024: In this Season of the Event, the requirements for suviving robots have been removed. It's enough, if one robot survives to get a chance on the rare rewards!
(Thanks for the hint from Kat Duchess Flame)

  • Fasnacht Glowing Pig Mask
  • Fasnacht Glowing Unicorn Mask
  • Fasnacht Glowing Minotaur Mask
  • Fasnacht Glowing Alien Mask
  • Fasnacht Glowing Turkey Mask
  • Fasnacht Glowing Robot Mask
  • Fasnacht Glowing Honey Bee Mask
  • Fasnacht Glowing Blue Devil Mask
  • Fasnacht Glowing Scorchbeast Mask
  • Fasnacht Glowing Scorchbeast Queen Mask
  • Fasnacht: Raven Mask
  • Fasnacht: Deathclaw Mask
  • Fasnacht: Winter Man Mask
  • Fasnacht: Crazy Man Mask
  • Father Winter Helmet (T-45 based, not tradeable)
  • Fasnacht: Brahmin Mask
  • Fasnacht: Demon Mask
  • Fasnacht: Buffoon Mask
  • Fasnacht: Hag Mask
  • Fasnacht: Fiend Mask
  • Fasnacht: Loon Mask

The common masks are:
These masks have a drop chance of 4.75% per mask if all 5 bots survive. If 3-4 survive, the chance is 10% and if only 1-2 survive its 10%.

  • Fasnach: Soldier Mask
  • Fasnacht: Toothy Man Mask
  • Fasnacht: Witch Mask
  • Fasnacht: Giant Mask
  • Fasnacht: Owl Mask

The unusual masks are:
These masks have a drop chance of 4.75% per mask if all 5 bots survive. If 3-4 survive, the chance is 5.55% and if only 1-2 survive its 0%.

  • Fasnacht Pig Mask
  • Fasnacht Unicorn Mask
  • Fasnacht Minotaur Mask
  • Fasnacht Alien Mask
  • Fasnacht Turkey Mask
  • Fasnacht Robot Mask
  • Fasnacht Honey Bee Mask
  • Fasnacht Blue Devil Mask
  • Fasnacht Scorchbeast Mask
  • Fasnacht Scorchbeast Queen Mask
  • Fasnacht: Jester Mask
  • Fasnacht: Sun Mask
  • Fasnacht: Skull Mask
  • Fasnacht Beret
  • Fasnacht: Goblin Mask

You will receive the following blueprints:
Drop Chance for the plans is 2.70% each.

  • Plan: Motorized Butter Churn
  • Plan: Beeswax Candle
  • Plan: Herdsman's Bell - Fasnacht
  • Plan: Herdsman's Bell - Lincoln
  • Plan: Fasnacht Veggie Man Beer Stein
  • Plan: Helvetian Flower Display
  • Plan: Scorchbeast Queen Beer Stein
  • Plan: Herdsman's Bell Display Rack
  • Plan: Herdsman's Bell
  • Plan: Fasnacht Balloons 01
  • Plan: Fasnacht Balloons 02
  • Plan: Fasnacht Branch Garland 01
  • Plan: Fasnacht Branch Garland 02
  • Plan: Fasnacht Confetti Pile 01
  • Plan: Fasnacht Confetti Pile 02
  • Plan: Fasnacht Flag Pole 01
  • Plan: Fasnacht Flag Pole 02
  • Plan: Fasnacht Hanging Ribbons 01
  • Plan: Fasnacht Hanging Ribbons 02
  • Plan: Fasnacht Hanging Snowflakes 01
  • Plan: Fasnacht Hanging Snowflakes 02
  • Plan: Fasnacht Helvetia Garland 01
  • Plan: Fasnacht Helvetia Garland 02
  • Plan: Fasnacht Mounted Flag 01
  • Plan: Fasnacht Mounted Flag 02
  • Plan: Fasnacht Mounted Ribbons 01
  • Plan: Fasnacht Mounted Ribbons 02
  • Plan: Fasnacht Party Streamers 01
  • Plan: Fasnacht Party Streamers 02
  • Plan: Fasnacht Pole Lantern 01
  • Plan: Fasnacht Pole Lantern 02
  • Plan: Fasnacht Ribbons Pole 01
  • Plan: Fasnacht Ribbons Pole 02
  • Plan: Megasloth Pelt Rug
  • Plan: Mounted Mega Sloth
  • Plan: Old Man Winter Effigy
  • Recipe: Fasnacht Donut
  • Recipe: Fasnacht Sausage

The  "Friendly Fire" perk  now works on all types of weapons with fire mods. So it's much easier to heal the bots again and save the event. (See picture attached)

Tips for Fasnacht farming

  • All 5 bots must survive  (otherwise the rare masks will not drop; 0.333% drop chance)
    This requirement was completely removed.

  • Equip weapon with flame mod on switch button e.g. kebab knife, crusader pistol with pyro, flamethrower or similar (healing the bots)

  • Always stock up on intestines, wood, beer mugs, beeswax and toad eggs

  • Equip perks:  Martial artist  (faster striking/healing,  butchers bounty  (more intestines),  friendly fire (healing with flames mod), lumberjack  (collecting more wood), possibly  good with salt  (so that the intestines don't go bad so quickly)

  • Destroy cars  before the bots run past (jeep by the fire, green car by the bee house)

  • Be careful with Molotov cocktails , these do the most damage to the bots

  • If a bot is hit, heal it immediately with Fire Perk (or flamer, or other weapon with flame mod) , the other players need to stay alarmed to prevent more damage.

  • At the end , pay attention not only to the sloth, but also to the animals that attack the bots, otherwise a bot will end up falling over.

  • Always attend the event public on the hour and then switch servers to have a chance to finish the event again.


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